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Member since April 2017
Message zystin88
commented on
18 Feb 2020
Until something else comes along might as well grind it. Not going to use any gems on stamina refills or open arena stam packs for it though. Although the value isn't as good as TOTY, the bad banner pulls for some should balance out with rng over time. I pulled 2 more today out of about 30 plays but have yet to pull any players which seems the opposite of the issues most are having.
commented on
17 Feb 2020
I'm just trying to provide a different perspective on a program that hasn't always been an easy grind to pump out players into lineups. How easy has it been for other programs? Totw? Phenoms? Legends? Were you able to get a max power, top tier player from those programs with a week or so of grinding? I personally would like it if they bumped up the banner drop rate or reduced the cooldown, but with the slow progression this year (except for the last few weeks with 3 big promos) being able to get 1 or these every 1-1.5 weeks doesn't feel too outrageous. Not going to keep going back and forth on this as I feel like I've made my point. Yes, drop rates are low and yes, we are getting a ton of other collectibles, but unlike years past we can actually grind this promo more effectively and we have a set to get some value out of unwanted collectibles. I respect your opinions and hope that EA does increase the drop rate or decrease the set cooldown, but I think the program is just fine without doing so.
commented on
17 Feb 2020
Sure, Cam Jordan had better value than UL while being a 98 with 70 power. Let's not forget the Maddentine players were one day only holiday players. The rest of the TOTY were only 50 power unless you got a set of them. Makes sense that these UL program players would be harder to obtain than 50 power TOTY or special holiday players. Also, let's not forget that this program goes all year and we will get 99s and 100s. If you feel the value is bad then save your UL currencies and get 99s when they come out.
commented on
17 Feb 2020
There is almost nothing else right now in the game worth spending on for value right now so even if the odds are only 5% in the blitz event, someone dumping their daily load into UL should be able to pull 1 per day once rng evens out. It isn't like we're missing other events to grind UL. I'm sure this will change soon and we'll get a few other new programs but for the current meta we have UL and top 100 really. In terms of the excessive amounts of collectibles, the tickets don't take up bench space, there is a ton of storage in uncompleted UL sets, and the recycle set gives the opportunity to create extra value of you eventually get close to filling your bench. Won't really know how possible it is until a few weeks in, but I'm sitting on 17 right now so and it's only Sunday so feeling pretty good about getting one before the week ends.
commented on
17 Feb 2020
1 a week is completely possible without spending MC or gems. 14 banners per week from set which leaves 11. You can pull them from the events and although rare if you are grinding it all week you should pull a few. The weekly event has a decent chance of pulling though and I think I pulled 5 out of my ten tries...I get it that rng was probably generous to me and some folks only got 1 or none, but it is completely doable to get 25 if you grind the events all week...just have to work on it.
commented on
16 Feb 2020
People keep comparing this to TOTY and the insane amount of upgrades one could get by grinding it hard for 10 days....UL is a program not a promo. Rewards are slower but we have it for the rest of the year. It is easily possible to get 1 per week and they are top end players with 70 power. In another month or two (or less) we will be getting 99s and eventually 100s through UL. Different pace for sure and maybe as the season goes on they will change the cool down on banners or add more sets. We just got 3 promos in rapid succession and I'm sure everyone got a lot of upgrades quickly. Time to pump the breaks a little and have fun with this program while saving for future promos (hoarding lots of resources for EASTER!!!).
commented on
16 Feb 2020
Coach Garrett's HB blast worked first time on this event. Once you get past them just need to zig zag a bit to keep them from catching you.
commented on
14 Feb 2020
They had it right in MM18 when they first started giving player rewards for h2h rankings. I remember the first one was a top tier Deshaun Watson neutralizer...I grinded my butt off to get the top 100 version of it which was either 115 or 120 OVR (can't remember) and one of the best QB in the game at the time. Now I just hoard h2h tokens for when they drop 97s for evo food but by that point all my evos will be 98 already
commented on
13 Feb 2020
I like the one when you get a TD and the player spikes the ball which then flies off the side of the screen at laser speed. A few other funny ones: 2 players in oposing teams look like they are hugging after the play. The animation timeout animation when playing any type of win in 4th quarter or season of their players jerks upright, almost seems to look at you as if to say "haha...I just wasted a few more seconds of your life even though you are just going to QB kneel and kick a field goal anyway".
commented on
9 Feb 2020
I noticed that too and was scrambling to pick him up ASAP. Got a little lag right was as I was finishing the last shield and was worried it was the adjusment but managed to finish set.
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