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Member since June 2019
Message ChiefsKingdom54
commented on
18 Feb 2020
Finally Watkins gets a power up! Now just need EA to give Hardman one soon!
commented on
18 Feb 2020
Again you all are just saying what I've been saying for awhile took long enough for folks to catch on.. all aspects of madden online has gotten progressively worse every day as little kids ages 1 tru 12 should be playing fortnite while teenagers ages 13 tru 21 should be in school & when not in school should be on destiny call of duty wherever but nooo they gotta invade madden & bring there toxic attitudes & toxic gameplay to madden. I ran into some teenage punk the other day on a mic who admitted he HAS to Win & if he doesn't he gonna die the next day blah blah blah crap i politely asked him whatever happened to just playing for fun win or lose & he made some smart azz comments it just proves people take this game way to seriously to point there are times i wonder why i bother playing anymore People like that rufus the dufus are why I'm currently planning on avoiding Ultimate team all together next year. The stress & bs isn't worth it anymore nor is it good for the health
commented on
17 Feb 2020
Guys the Combine doesn't start until Thursday the 27th tru March 1st so i highly doubt it's the Combine promo long night means team mvp as alot of cards to go over for all 32 teams...i think we see the Combine promo next week.
commented on
17 Feb 2020
Quote from D0KTRG >> Probably those PLUS Combine, given that it starts this upcoming weekend. NFL Combine begins next Thursday the 27th tru march 1st.
commented on
17 Feb 2020
Quote from Uncommittedgamer >> Quote from ChiefsKingdom54 >> Not sure where people are getting this enforcer is nerfed information at but clearly it's not or EA would have confirmed it. Everyone is just so used to enforcer creating 4 to 5+ fumbles a game that now they assume that because they abuse the hit stick & are no longer getting 4 to 5 fumbles a game they think it's nerfed.
commented on
17 Feb 2020
Quote from mvandor >> Yes, I'm sick of it. Because so many of these bums run their fast QB the minute you drop into coverage, you get forced to call plays and spies that leave you vulnerable to other crap. IRL these clown QB's that run that much end up on IR or with shorter careers. Steve Young quit early because of concussions, Cam Newton is so beat up Carolina appears done with him, etc. But in MUT they're Superman. Agreed 100% i hate to say this but got too say it i honestly believe it's time EA adds injuries to Ultimate Team this would force people to play realistic & be smarter with how they use there players those that run their superman qb all game risk getting him injured for rest of that game... this would be a great way to solve this problem.
commented on
17 Feb 2020
Quote from SZN >> I use Doug Williams and I love him. I’ve been waiting on a legitimate Redskins “legend” QB (not McNabb) to use and he has not let me down. I’m big in staying in the pocket and only rolling out and/or running if necessary. He does exactly that and he does it well Vary awesome to hear I'd be surprised but very excited to see a Doug Williams user online because it would be something different for a change unfortunately all i ever see is the big 4 listed in this thread. Anytime i see an Elway or someone who isn't the meta i get excited cuz it present a different challenge.. would hope to see different QB's soon...
commented on
17 Feb 2020
Anyone else tired of seeing Lamar,Vick,Cunningham,Young every game? It's always every 1 of these 4 it's old reparative & boring. Would be nice to play other QB's besides these 4 all the time. You can add mahomes in there too though I use him I just think it's funny all these bandwagon mahomes aka bandwagon chiefs fans have come out after winning the superbowl bet half of those folks were not even fans until February 2nd 2020. That said i rarely see 95+ Aaron Rodgers haven't even faced a 95 Payton Manning or Tom Brady yet this year faced a Brees user mabye once man do i miss the days of variety I'm very interested in seeing how my defense is equip to handle those guys but rarely do i ever see them. When i do see one i get very excited because it's a different challenge & typically makes for a great game... Facing the Lamar,Vick,Cunningham,Young combo every game has gotten boring reparative & is virtually not fun anymore i have no problems stopping these kind of players as i just set a spy & contain & typically they quit..
commented on
17 Feb 2020
Not sure where people are getting this enforcer is nerfed information at but clearly it's not or EA would have confirmed it. Everyone is just so used to enforcer creating 4 to 5+ fumbles a game that now they assume that because they abuse the hit stick & are no longer getting 4 to 5 fumbles a game they think it's nerfed. It's not it's called having better overall cards out there better cards have more str carrying & other important stats that makes it harder to cause fumbles The ability still works as intended just gotta accept fact better cards are out making fumbles harder to come by. That's why instead of abusing the hit stick every play people should put more effort in to actually going for the tackle as you could get more stops if you actually used the tackle button vs abusing the hitstick hoping you get a fluke cheap fumble. Enforcer is fine enough with its nerfed nonsense.. thx
commented on
17 Feb 2020
It's football man don't be scared of getting hit. If you don't want to get hit & fumble don't play madden then. Everyone takes this game way too seriously & plays sacred. So what if they have 3 enforcers & 3 universal converges doesn't mean you have to play like a sacred coward by running the entire game. Against better players you will have to throw predictability will only get you so far. I have no problems moving the ball on 3 enforcers universal coverage players passing or running it's about playing smart paying attention to where there big 3 is plus use coaching Adjustments there's stuff in there that can help combat it. Football is a big man sport be a man & throw the ball some as foods isn't for Cowards so if you don't want to throw here's a very reasonable but realistic suggestion. Take your madden back to gamestop or wherever you bought it & get ur$3 back & allow someone who wants to be a man buy your game.. because madden isn't for you if you're afraid of getting hit & turning over the ball it happens all the time in real life so why shouldn't it be like this in a game what are you afraid of? If your afraid of losing then stop playing Madden because your going to lose games
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