
Why I think Klay Thompson should stay out the entire year

I just wanted to say this. I really want Klay to come back but I want him to take ad much time as possible to heal and such. But I also dont want him to come back so he can earn the coveted comeback player of the year award. I just wanted to say I know that Klay is capable of doing it. And when the warriors win 60 games again people are going to open their eyes and know why they won 60 games. They are going to know that it is due to Klay. Yes you can argue that Steph is the better player but is he the more important player? I can say no. You saw what happened when they had to play the finals without Klay. It's just something that cant  be done. 

Klay is a hall of famer already. But it would be nice to see him get that trophy. And I already know for a fact that he will play well.

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