
SB54 Prop Bet giveaway | join in on the [FUN] and win some prizes **CLOSED/PRIZES SENT**

welcome to my SB54 prop bet giveaway. as a neutral spectator with no horse in the race and a fan of football in general, i'm expecting this to be a really enjoyable game. a tenacious D versus a team led by an exceptionally skilled and versatile QB with lots of speed around him. anyway, i've been wanting to come up with something to show my appreciation and give back to this wonderful community and with the big game coming up in a little over a week i decided to go with a superbowl prop bet theme. here are the requirements, how to enter and the prizes up for grabs..


eligible to receive  100 posts + member for at least 1 month all BBU grads welcome (exempt from post count/join date)

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