Been generally happy with these guys but I have a 97 PUP and was thinking of using it on Gilmore and dropping Willie. I run a mix of defensive coverages (from Jets PB) based on what the offense comes out in... 3-4... Nickel Normal, Dime 1-4-6... same as everyone else. Don't press much but will on occasion otherwise I'd swap Willie for Deion.
I have the following fully powered up:
CB1 NTL CB2 Willie Brown CB3 Deion CB4 Ward CB5 Slay
Been generally happy with these guys but I have a 97 PUP and was thinking of using it on Gilmore and dropping Willie. I run a mix of defensive coverages (from Jets PB) based on what the offense comes out in... 3-4... Nickel Normal, Dime 1-4-6... same as everyone else. Don't press much but will on occasion otherwise I'd swap Willie for Deion.
Any thoughts? Who are you running?