
(Stats & pic)today's UL's:96 Chuck Bednarik & 96 Kurt Warner

Here you go guys Tune into the 10:30 am est stream to see who else will be Joining him.

EA dropped yet another round of Ultimate Legends, featuring Chuck Bednarik and Kurt Warner. Nicknamed "Concrete Charlie", Chuck Bednarik played his entire career for the Philadelphia Eagles and is making his MUT 20 debut today. He is a Run Stopper OLB with 86 SPD, 96 POW, 95 TAK, 94 PRC, 94 AWA, and 93 PUR ratings. Kurt Warner, the two-time NFL MVP, is a Field General QB with 96 SAC, 96 MAC, 94 DAC, 95 TUP, 92 THP, and 92 PAC ratings. Check out all of today's latest items and their full ratings below: Chuck Bednarik

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