Was just on twitter and ppl were complaining about this garbage. I made a thread on this play over a month ago because I knew this play would become very popular
Quote from TheMidwayMonsters >> Quote from SirInge >> Quote from kalledian >>
Quote from saadmurt >> My defense for Tight Offset double corner routes is this.
Big Dime 146 db buzz Wide side of the field I'm putting my corner in a deep 3rd, and my safety in a cover 2 shell (cover 4 if I'm being aggressive) to take away the only play streak. Man up both slot WR's with my slot DB's Spy the middle LB I'm not usering Shade up and outside (if I have time I will motion my CBs 7 yrds up and a little outside for better leverage) I'll mix in 5, 6 man blitzes with more aggressive coverage shells to catch them off guard and if they roll out a lot I'm user rushing the moment they leave the pocket
I was getting torn up by this play by someone last night and I finally learned how to stop it. The first step I did was I hit the options button and scrolled over to depth chart. I realized that I scrolled one to far so I went back over to quit game. I hit the X button and it asked me if I wanted to quit the game. I scrolled to the "yes" option and hit the X button again.
I don't rage quit often, but that was the only play the guy ran and I couldn't stop it. I ran into it again and tried some different coverages and the one that worked best was the nickel normal cover 6 invert. I didn't make any coverage adjustments other than contain and set a spy on the DE of the HB and it stopped it pretty frequently. I don't know if it was a bad user the 2nd time compared to the first one I played, but it worked.
My defense for Tight Offset double corner routes is this.
Big Dime 146 db buzz Wide side of the field I'm putting my corner in a deep 3rd, and my safety in a cover 2 shell (cover 4 if I'm being aggressive) to take away the only play streak. Man up both slot WR's with my slot DB's Spy the middle LB I'm not usering Shade up and outside (if I have time I will motion my CBs 7 yrds up and a little outside for better leverage) I'll mix in 5, 6 man blitzes with more aggressive coverage shells to catch them off guard and if they roll out a lot I'm user rushing the moment they leave the pocket
I do big nickel cover 6, shade outside, switch the cover 2 side towards the TE and cover the TE corner route manually with the corner who’s in a cloud flat. The quarter flat to the other side should cover the corner route but doesn’t always
Like some have suggested, cover 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BlitzBlitz, press, out side quarters and user the mlb. The deep post
Quote from jcsteel66 >> Quote from maddenmagik >> Quote from jcsteel66 >>
Quote from tribe585 >> Running that plays BS you won't have time to make all those adjustments. EA should make it where you don't have to put in a goddamn cheat code to stop a freaking out pass.
Honestly. How hard would it be to code cloud flats to drop this much further and not play underneath routes? They already made one tweak to in in M17. This would make throwing 5 yard check downs much more viable, but if you don’t want that, then PLAY HARD FLATS well those are broken too but
Quote from tribe585 >> Running that plays BS you won't have time to make all those adjustments. EA should make it where you don't have to put in a goddamn cheat code to stop a freaking out pass.
Exactly my point. It’s ridiculous
Quote from jcsteel66 >> Quote from maddenmagik >> Quote from jcsteel66 >>
Running that plays BS you won't have time to make all those adjustments. EA should make it where you don't have to put in a goddamn cheat code to stop a freaking out pass.
Quote from jcsteel66 >> Quote from martyr1968 >> I have fast CB's with high man CVG...99 NTL, Champ, 99 Sehorn...so I would run man (sometimes sending 7, sometimes sending 4)....in big nickel if I run SS blitz I user Mays or Jamal or someone like that to the corner where the safety is blitzing from.
I Generally don't run man but if someone is spamming double corner routes then I will switch to the above . Most times the route takes a while to develop so I send Donald or LT as a spy right at their QB and user the side that the opponent likes to roll out to. Sometimes you play a guy that rolls to either side and that's when it's tough.......but most players tend to roll to one side
I've run a fair bit of cover 4 palms, and it works sometimes. Other times, the defense can't match a hot route very well and gets completely burned. It's man match across the board which makes me very nervous. Anyone have any coverage-based solutions? (Miss me with that send 8 shit)