Quote from Antferneyyy >> Sucks that they automatically opened by themselves
100% agreed
Quote from Slammer4244 >> UPDATE: UL Fantasy Pack Description make-rights went out in two waves. One earlier this morning and one just about now. Details on make-right:
UPDATE: UL Fantasy Pack Description make-rights went out in two waves. One earlier this morning and one just about now. Details on make-right: https://forums.ea.com/en/madden-nfl/discussion/255170/ultimate-legend-fantasy-pack-description-make-right
Quote from TheMidwayMonsters >> Quote from Slammer4244 >> Update per Kraelo(2/12/20)
All the grants have not gone out yet. The MUT Team is working through this at this time. It is part of the reason I have not officially said anything that all the grants have gone out.
Good to know, thank you
Quote from Slammer4244 >> Update per Kraelo(2/12/20)
All the grants have not gone out yet. The MUT Team is working through this at this time. It is part of the reason I have not officially said anything that all the grants have gone out.
Good to know, thank you
Update per Kraelo(2/12/20)
All the grants have not gone out yet. The MUT Team is working through this at this time. It is part of the reason I have not officially said anything that all the grants have gone out.
Quote from fancyclown >> Would have rather got Platinum player packs 86s lost all value since then
This 100%. The 86's you get tomorrow will be worth less than what they were worth Saturday. They should give double the packs. BTW- I didn't buy any.
Quote from ChasingAnimations >> Quote from Travis2334 >> Quote from Oil710
Quote from ChasingAnimations >> Quote from phague >> Why say anything though? It's clear he's trying to be helpful.
With your logic why say anything in life then? Why even use your mouth?
Yeah. You're pretty stupid. This explains a ton.
Generally when someone is being polite and trying to help you say thank you. Even if it seems small and insignificant the person is still trying to help. Most of all Slammer is being nice. A simple thank you is easy to do. Or you could be a jerk just to jerk, not gain anything, and be rude.
Quote from ChasingAnimations >> Quote from phague >> Why say anything though? It's clear he's trying to be helpful.
With your logic why say anything in life then? Why even use your mouth?
Show some respect kid.
Quote from phague >> Why say anything though? It's clear he's trying to be helpful.
With your logic why say anything in life then? Why even use your mouth?
thank you slammer...I bet the odds gonna be super bad! we getting all 86 and nothing higher lol
I am still waiting to hear back from the MUT Team on the details of the make-right. Once I have those details, I will make sure to put together an EA Forums post and message out to players. Thanks