
Anyone else not really pleased with Bo Jackson?

I don't know, I've been using elusive backs all year so maybe i just need to get used to him. But today i sold dickerson (96 speed) so I could get Bo powered up (98 speed), and I just feel he doesn't produce like ED, even when the x-factor expires.  

Only one day tho, so maybe i should stick with him till his UL drops.


I agree, Bo was just to sluggish for me...Boring user HB in my opinion...I referenced this in a post last week...Sold him after a short stint on my team for a nice profit...BB135...


He def feels slow


He def feels slow


#Bo-verrated confirmed.


Im still using bo but now im getting bored lol


New CMC is where it's at!


For me I feel like it's the developers fault on Bo. I feel like they never even saw him play. I say this because if he got the corner on you he is gone! Second,  he very rarely got taken down by DB's. In this game the average DB can tackle Bo or any top RB. You can't tell me that any of these penciled armed DB's like Jackson, Peters and so on could really tackle a fast and powerful back like Bo....Hell NO!


I'm still getting used to the phsyics compared to M16 but this was pretty cool lol


Quote from THE_HALAKAN >> I don't know, I've been using elusive backs all year so maybe i just need to get used to him. But today i sold dickerson (96 speed) so I could get Bo powered up (98 speed), and I just feel he doesn't produce like ED, even when the x-factor expires.  

Only one day tho, so maybe i should stick with him till his UL drops.

 Try CMC or the new MA...I don't have either but they look great!!


Quote from Robc955 >> Quote from gbetteri >> Bo is ok, just different. You need to use him differently than Dickerson in my opinion (i have both)

 Yeah agree here

 This!!! I had the fully PU Bo, and had great success with him... No complaints at all.. He hardly fumbled, and broke plenty of tackles... Saw all the threads about how Dickerson was awesome, and better than Bo, so i grabbed him to try him out...  Sold Dickerson after 2 days and havent looked back...  If Dickerson gets a UL card, I'm sure I'll try him again...


Quote from PingDingPress >> I like Bo now that I have him powered up Hearing the nerf to my Dick I decided to PU bo. IMO a big difference, Breaks more tackles than non x factor dick for me. I now save my Dick for special uses...LOL

 Sorry to hear about your Dick. Pour one out for the lil homie.


I had Bo fully powered up with max chems and abilities, and he just felt clunky compared with other backs (Dickerson, Barkley, etc). Was very disappointing as Bo is my all-time favorite MUT HB. 

But it seems that not everyone has this experience with Bo. Perhaps we just had the broken versions lol.


Quote from gbetteri >> Bo is ok, just different. You need to use him differently than Dickerson in my opinion (i have both)

 Yeah agree here


I just had a sick run with Bo off an inside zone that the guy blew up.

Did a quick spin move and made the blitzer miss right as Bo was handed the ball, blew through the hole, and 2 jukes

It was awesome


Stats like Tarzan but produces like Jane. I swear he is just clunky and slow and doesn’t break any tackles for me


I like Bo now that I have him powered up Hearing the nerf to my Dick I decided to PU bo. IMO a big difference, Breaks more tackles than non x factor dick for me. I now save my Dick for special uses...LOL

I’m not just unpleased, I’m utterly disappointed. One of the worst RB cards I have used all year. Can’t get through a. Hole, fumbles constantly, can’t break a tackle to save his life, Juke box on him is useless, no stamina at all, 95 SPD feels like 89. I had him NAT and just quicksold him he was so bad. Trying Allen right now and he is already 100x better.


Bo is ok, just different. You need to use him differently than Dickerson in my opinion (i have both)


Bo plays well for me, but I am waiting for full UL Walter Payton, who should be able to get Human Joystick...


I don't know, I've been using elusive backs all year so maybe i just need to get used to him. But today i sold dickerson (96 speed) so I could get Bo powered up (98 speed), and I just feel he doesn't produce like ED, even when the x-factor expires.  

Only one day tho, so maybe i should stick with him till his UL drops.