Quote from ncinqueg >> Quote from ch29sk >>
to get to highest tier in Seasons
I just recently started playing Seasons on weekends (when most top players are playing WL).
I'll be honest, I SUCK at H2H because I don't know the cheese plays. Nor do I care to watch youtube to figure them out. But I'm amazed that, somehow, I'm the 2nd highest tier....yet I suck! It keeps leveling me up. I WANT to go down so I can play some games with opponents with a similar skill type. I'm tempted to just start a game and quit until I get down to the bottom.
Quote from ch29sk >>
to get to highest tier in Seasons
I just recently started playing Seasons on weekends (when most top players are playing WL).
I'll be honest, I SUCK at H2H because I don't know the cheese plays. Nor do I care to watch youtube to figure them out. But I'm amazed that, somehow, I'm the 2nd highest tier....yet I suck! It keeps leveling me up. I WANT to go down so I can play some games with opponents with a similar skill type. I'm tempted to just start a game and quit until I get down to the bottom.
Quote from ebtandbackpage >> I play only for the team building aspect of it. So right now my goal is to complete my cardinals theme team. I'm missing kurt Warner honors kyler Murray honey badger and fully powered night train. I don't have a stack of coin so I always gotta grind it out. And once I'm done with that I'm thinking about doing the dolphins.
That's what keeps it fun and new for me.
Do you play H2H? or mainly just solos?
Quote from ncinqueg >> Honestly, why are you still playing? I myself can't seem to pull myself away, yet there really is no reason to keep playing aside from (I suppose) Rookie Premiers...
A couple years back, they added that grueling objective list to get a 99 Tom Brady. So that was something to play for....
Should they add another 'MUT Master'? or some sort of objective list to work towards.
Theme Diamonds are cool and all, but I have NTL up to a 97, and if I wanted a 98 NTL, I can just grab one off the AH.
So what keeps you playing? and would you be in favor of some sort of new objective list?
Quote from Flexed >> Become the best MUT player that ever lived.
Mission accomplished. You can go home now
Building my 50/50 NYJ Theme Team as well as an all NFL 100 Team. It works out because any gaps in my NYJ line up gets plugged with an NFL 100 player while still maintaining 50/50 team chems. When both teams are complete then I'll just continue to play squads online with my buddy and pick up any other players I like for a change of pace to try out.
I usually hit the big promo's between the superbowl and the Draft. Then skip out until Rookie Premier. I'll make sure and log on enough to get the UL token each week. Just like with TOTW in the fall.
My goal is to enjoy the promos when they come out. I like the challenge of building a good balanced squad. Picking up new players that fit my theme, and seeing how good I can make my favorite players. Currently I'm working towards a solid 50/50 Cards chem. I'm at 46/50 right now. Just don't want to drop the coin on NTL or Warner just yet.
After the draft I'll pick up whatever Sooner's get drafted. Use them for a bit. Then I'll be done.
I usually play in the evening when the wife is watching TV, kids are in their rooms, and we're just winding down and chilling before bed.
I play only for the team building aspect of it. So right now my goal is to complete my cardinals theme team. I'm missing kurt Warner honors kyler Murray honey badger and fully powered night train. I don't have a stack of coin so I always gotta grind it out. And once I'm done with that I'm thinking about doing the dolphins.
That's what keeps it fun and new for me.
Quote from jcsteel66 >> My goals:
A Top 25 finish in WL.
Win a Theme Team Tournament with my Steelers.
Get a 99 OVR squad.
I wish they would put back in the OVR objectives. I'm not sure why they removed them....
Have fun... I was down to 1.2 mil last night and decided I would start grinding the NTL set for fun. Other than H2H and WL, just going to play and enjoy the game.
My goals:
A Top 25 finish in WL. Win a Theme Team Tournament with my Steelers. Get a 99 OVR squad.
Quote from ncinqueg >> Quote from Ballsy >> My goal is to not think about goals because that’s how you get sad
LOL....why is that? Goals should give you a sense of accomplishment and make you happy.
This game is more rage inducing than in life
My goal is to have fun. And right now I am enjoying playing WL and cap.
Quote from ncinqueg >> Quote from Ballsy >> My goal is to not think about goals because that’s how you get sad
LOL....why is that? Goals should give you a sense of accomplishment and make you happy.
In life. Not in this game lol
Quote from D0KTRG >> I think most of us who are playing like to build the team through the year, especially focusing on theme teams. The Theme Diamonds 2.0 was a nice boost. If they run a promo like Theme Builders and Team MVPs from M19, that would be well received.
Yea, it's good.....but it took me 5 minutes to pick up Mike Brown for my Bears theme-team.
Speaking of theme-teams....I know it's 'nice' to have NTL and Kurt Warner able to get any team's chem....but that's not "really" a theme-team....(IMO)
Honestly, why are you still playing? I myself can't seem to pull myself away, yet there really is no reason to keep playing aside from (I suppose) Rookie Premiers...
A couple years back, they added that grueling objective list to get a 99 Tom Brady. So that was something to play for....
Should they add another 'MUT Master'? or some sort of objective list to work towards.
Theme Diamonds are cool and all, but I have NTL up to a 97, and if I wanted a 98 NTL, I can just grab one off the AH.
So what keeps you playing? and would you be in favor of some sort of new objective list?