
Journey Solos NAT Pack Question

When someone opens the packs, can you help me out?  The packs are: Milestone Rewards 60 Stars: NAT Player Required in TD 2.0 Sets (87-90 OVR) 120 Stars: NAT Player Required in TD 2.0 Sets (87-91 OVR) 200 Stars: NAT Player Required in TD 2.0 Sets (87-92 OVR)

What are the actual choices inside?  Like, the Lions have 2 87's, an 89 and a 91.  Are all the choices in each pack or is it completely random?  Like, I'm going for the Lions, but could I just end up only getting choices of Broncos, Jets, Ravens, Packers, Rams?  Or (even worse case), could I end up with my Lions choice being 87 Harvest Ragnow in each pack?

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