looks like the best time to buy him was when it first came out. Sold for 1.8-2mill. Looks like its settling around 3 mill since the pull rate is low lmaooo EA gona EA
I powered him up to a 96 with98 speed and 95 throw power. I’m going to wait for my 98 PU pass. Put roaming deadeye and escape artist with fast break on him.
I'm most likely just going to upgrade his PU and wait for 98 to come down to earth in price or wait for another mobile QB to bring him down a bit.
Quote from listen2311 >> no real reason to boost all the way just for dashing dead eye.. he doesnt get joystick yet
I don't think Lamar is going to get a 99 (because history would indicate it is a free upgrade for the +1). Which means, Lamar is never going to get Human Joystick.
Thanks guys. I’m definitely waiting just wanted to hear the community’s reaction to his price tag 😂
I'd expect him to drop tomorrow but I don't see his price dropping after he's out of packs unless something makes it drop.
no real reason to boost all the way just for dashing dead eye.. he doesnt get joystick yet
cheapest will be be until he is in packs. Better hope more people pull lmao
3 million????? I can get a 99 Mahomes for 800k. Will he drop below 1.5 by Sunday? I’m not paying that even for my 40/50 Ravens theme team. I’m thinking of just powering him up to a 96 and waiting for my 98 PU pass. What do you guys think?