RP has been a total scam since the beginning. And then EA acts like a saint for adding basic improvements each title. With a game centered around PU and abilities, the fact that RP OVRs don't unlock slots like traditional cards is ludicrous. Can't use physical chems on them either. Just broken overall.
Quote from Dreverse >> Quote from Charlie_Hussell >> I don't get it... People want a card they got for free this year, for spending coin last year, to be an end-game card this year?
Don’t be that guy . it’s not free by no means. Just think of all the time and money people put into the game and then ea tells them they can put it all into the sets in hopes the players will do good and can get upgrades through the course of the year this way you don’t feel so bad about everything being a waste from year to year . Instead it became what it is .
Quote from ncinqueg >> What else ya gonna do with your coins at year-end?
At this point, I'll go with MHC this year. Its a better return of value if RP cards are going to continue to be like this.
I'm curious about the mhc value of 800k last year compared to 150k right now, which is the price of a 93 and the average ovr of all 10 of my rps
That said, Bosa should have been the rookie master out of the gate so we had a usable card at some point this year (like saquan before) . The guard was kind of usable at Xmas
I agree they are generally a waste, but it's a boat load of training once they can be qs
Quote from FF_Carson19 >> Quote from Ballsy >> You’re forgetting about the couple of months where you get to use the 99 overall card at the end of the year too 🤷♂️
I always say get the RP’s on your team or ones that will be good backups in low depth positions.
RP always come on at the start of July.....New Madden is August where you get couple months of these 99s RP? You get a couple of weeks.
Quote from Charlie_Hussell >> I don't get it... People want a card they got for free this year, for spending coin last year, to be an end-game card this year?
Don’t be that guy . it’s not free by no means. Just think of all the time and money people put into the game and then ea tells them they can put it all into the sets in hopes the players will do good and can get upgrades through the course of the year this way you don’t feel so bad about everything being a waste from year to year . Instead it became what it is .
RPs is one of the promos I love, plenty of issues with this game but for me that’s not one of them.
I don't get it... People want a card they got for free this year, for spending coin last year, to be an end-game card this year?
im not getting 21. So im only getting a rookie premiere if its exceptional.
I swear Clint and others at ea can’t be playing this game if they did they would realize how important escape artist is compared to not having it on also I’ll take a 92 hit power that lets me put enforcer then a RP with 99 pow and no way of putting enforcer on him I’ll get more hit fumbles from the 92 hit power card than the 99hit power ( facts ). So what is he talking about ? Hey Clint ever see a basic juke ? Did it work ? But I bet I faked out hundreds of time with juke box . Hey Clint can I throw to 3 defenders without get mossed and come up with a catch ?
Dude is so lost and reflects how bad this game is .
I remember when the original RP only had those base team chems only. But yeah, I agree it needs to be full on with the chems and PU possible. Clint's response was weak af: "They (the cards) are not Superheroes?" That only makes sense if these abilities weren't available to their non RP counterparts LOL. As for MHC: I hesitate to convert coins to it given the wave of bans EA has given out over the years. It's usually at the end of the season when we start seeing mass threads lamenting about being banned for trading coins for MHC as it's against TOS.
Quote from maddenmagik >> Quote from Dreverse >> Funny how they say it’s a “ free card “ and can’t put abilities on them can’t power them up as well Also why have homer on Kyle Murray as an option ea ? He doesn’t get a xfactor. Duh ?
not worth it . Done with that promo
Is RP out already?
Would be nice...can finally put this game to bed!
Quote from tribe585 >> Quote from ncinqueg >> What else ya gonna do with your coins at year-end?
Buy MHC. Not just piss them away on BS RP's!
At the end of July...see what the MHC ratio is....I’m going to guess you’d just rather take the “free” card.
1 or 0.5 MHC or the 99 Rookie Premier?
Quote from Oil710 >> So you rather have 600-800k sit on the old madden rotting than get something towards the next madden.
there’s lots of options But RP has been nothing but a waste. also why the heck does the 1st ability on Kyler have homer ? for what ea?
Quote from Dreverse >> Funny how they say it’s a “ free card “ and can’t put abilities on them can’t power them up as well Also why have homer on Kyle Murray as an option ea ? He doesn’t get a xfactor. Duh ?
not worth it . Done with that promo
Is RP out already?
They really do need to find a way to make them more enticing. I mean yeah it was just extra coin sitting around but i definitely sold stuff off too
let us put them in a power up at the end of the year, or put abilities on them or something.
So you rather have 600-800k sit on the old madden rotting than get something towards the next madden.
Funny how they say it’s a “ free card “ and can’t put abilities on them can’t power them up as well Also why have homer on Kyle Murray as an option ea ? He doesn’t get a xfactor. Duh ?
not worth it . Done with that promo