There's one link to a story talking about this and if you look it up there are many more stories on this. I'm not sure if it's in MUT but I sure hope not.
Quote from KennyDaCleanerOmega >> Quote from d_ramafied >> Not in mut it's a franchise thing
Yet, not in MUT yet.
That's what I'm worried about. What's to stop EA from charging equipment companies money for the right to make their brand give attribute boosts and then charging the players money to buy the equipment in MUT?
Quote from d_ramafied >> Not in mut it's a franchise thing
Yet, not in MUT yet.
You can’t equip them like I’m franchise so I really doubt they make anyone faster
There's one link to a story talking about this and if you look it up there are many more stories on this. I'm not sure if it's in MUT but I sure hope not.