
My thoughts on play cooldowns (and why they actually lower the skillgap)

Alright. I see where this was coming from: people tend to spam plays, and this is an obvious counter. It's not realistic to be able to run the same thing over and over with no change...

Except for when it is: on defense. Teams like the Bears and Seahawks tend to HEAVILY favor single high coverages, especially cover 3. They're not ONLY in it, but they run a variation of it on most of their defensive snaps, usually with a variety of wrinkles. Teams like the patriots tend to favor 2 man under and blitz 0. These teams are built specifically to run these coverages, and so are many MUT Teams. It makes little sense for Jamal Adams to be playing a deep half all game: he's not bad at it, but he's much better used as a box safety. Furthermore, players of high skill in madden will make excessive modifications to existing shells based on down and distance, personnel, and other factors. Personally, I have eight variations of cover 2 that I run from a single formation, from a blitz to a run D to a short coverage to a medium coverage, a base coverage, a few middle third variants, and an outside quarter version. The only real commonality is a user and two deep blues.

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