
Praise for EA make right on the solo battles MHC Giveaway Closed

We bash EA a lot but huge shout out to EA for the solo battle make right. I was one of them ones who got 7 games in first thing Monday morning and was ranked number 1 when the reset happened. To my surprise, I signed on and got the number 1 ranked solo battle rewards today. I always end legend but no where near top 100 so this was a great surprise. Shout out to EA because I was bitter thinking 7 full games did not count but they made it right for sure. 

The rank 1 solo battle got me almost a million coins by itself. Very impressive award. 

Turned into a MCH giveaway. First 5 people to say "Great job EA on the make right for your mistake" get two MHC. Ginor and Tribe are not eligible 

Gratz to the five winners.

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