
Hope you bought those 82+ SB packs!

K is saying we'll get a NAT Renfro!


K is saying we'll get a NAT Renfro!


well damn. Atleast his price will drop cheap enough to grab him


So happy about this. I opened about 15+ of these with TP trying to pull a 95 SB Past player and LTD Renfro or LTD Eli.


Just wish they'd give a portion of the training back. I spent a ton thinking he was in packs. Lame how they have no plan to recompensate evenly. I don't see how a guy spending 2k training and one spending 100k training get the same make right. Whatever tho, at least they didn't ignore it i guess.


Hmm.. not the best solution imo. I opened some of those packs so I’ll get the Renfro but won’t have much use for him on my team. I did very very well on those packs tho so I don’t really care, would have been nice to actually have a chance to pull and sell him tho..


Didn't open any of those packs. 

I am not losing sleep over this as I am set on my CBs for the rest of MUT (Blount, Woodson, Bailey, Lane, Sanders, and Haden).  But it was nice to sell off Renfro's PU and diamond card when the prices were high this morning.


I do not think I opened the packs in the window they indicated.  Oh well...


Unfortunately I didn‘t.


Quote from phague >> Again he's a free 96 lol I'll find a place for him. 

 Not free if you don't have his PU and/or theme diamond card......if you have sprinter at 30/30 and brawler 30/30 like me, and backup CB's that are boosted to 96-97 OVR adding a non-PU card could actually be detrimental to your team.

But again, if you run a theme team or don't max out certain chems, like LD, sprinter, etc, and don't have a really high end squad this is a great card


Bullshit man. Not the right way to handle this at alI! I don’t want the free card anyways, but how the he’ll do you possibly operate this way??


Quote from fiyaman93 >> Confirmed renfro still isnt in this packs. I ripped for 3 hours straight and pull not one renfro

 was out of packs since 10am ET this morning just in case if u didn't know?


Confirmed renfro still isnt in this packs. I ripped for 3 hours straight and pull not one renfro


Bought a pack but pretty sure it was pretty release. Still got my fingers crossed.


Quote from WizDragonXbox >> Quote from Galact1c_Gh0st >> Anyone know when we get him?

 by end of day this Friday (or earlier)

 I'm sure they will find a way to fuck this up to. Believe it when I see it in my binder. 

Kraelo promises us shit all the time and it never happens


Again he's a free 96 lol I'll find a place for him.


Quote from Galact1c_Gh0st >> Anyone know when we get him?

 by end of day this Friday (or earlier)


Anyone know when we get him?


Quote from Guzguzman >> Quote from bringbacktheoilers >> Lol his PU is already at 150k lol


Us theme teamers will definitely welcome this "freebie"

 Hell yeah. Stoked for this. I spent tons of training trying to get him lol so Its not necessarily free, but hes gonna be nice on the cowboys squad.


Welp.  Looks like I missed out again