
EA is the worst company in video games

Adding another log to this dumpster fire.  This "loophole" that they created is being treated by EA like it's the communities fault.  Now they are running and hiding from it like an ostrich hiding its head in the ground to protect themselves.  They should be ashamed for how bad this game has been this year.  With the excuses of why the servers are having issues, to the laziness of not even bothering to change the logo's on some of the portions of the game, to the franchise having Andrew Luck still in the game even though he retired before the season they are clearly showing they don't care anymore and just are coasting on the property name and not doing anything to improve the game.

We as a community need to show them we want change and the only way is to not put another dime into this game and make it hurt where it matters to them.  In their wallets.  Without this they will give us the same garbage and not fix anything.

EA is this generations version of LJN and if you don't know that company you should look it up.

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