
What's with the increase in No Huddle Cheesers & not kicking FG's when in range bums

Been playing h2h in legend tier won a superbowl day b4 yesterday however over the last week or so I've noticed a massive increase in No Huddle Spammers very annoying when bums do this. 

Also been running into misfits who refuse to kick fg's i always wonder why they're doing this when there kicker has focus kicker I'd take points cuz points is pressure....

Also why is it so hard to run ball now even with a simple run up the middle even with a FB is no longer effective. I can pass very good but prefer to keep people honest running n it seems with Bo ED or even Nigerian Nightmare at RB no matter what i can't seem to run anymore this wasn't an issue a week pr 2 ago i don't run stretch plays or Sweeps very often I'm more power run you over up the middle type n typically avg 4 to 5 yards a carry now i barely get 3 yards a carry i try to pass to set up the run & no matter what running ball is impossible now.

Heck i even use 3 rb package & 3 te package & still not effective yet i played a bum who used the 3 rb rb package out of pistol formation in chiefs playbook & he was running at will though i won it was annoying.

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