
Predictions of January's remaining content

Only counting major content drops left of January. My predictions are:

Friday- Pro bowl  Monday-Super bowl (including MUT Rewards) Next Friday- series 5


Only counting major content drops left of January. My predictions are:

Friday- Pro bowl  Monday-Super bowl (including MUT Rewards) Next Friday- series 5


Quote from WinterSkoldier >> Friday - the start of a drawn out SB promo 

Then... nothing new till February. 

 More than likely this; SB promo but also honors too when they are announced. Series 5 and UL will drop together in February.


I do hope they do a Pro Bowl promo tho. That’d be great to get a Scherff upgrade. Our O-line is hurting 😂 plus there are some deserving upgrades that could be put out


They copy and paste their schedules just about every year so we more than likely won’t be seeing S5 until Valentines Day


Pro Bowls always kind of meh but it could get cards for the teams that got no upgrades this year.  Superbowls where it's at though!


Really hoping for Super Bowl this Friday


Quote from listen2311 >> maybe if we are lucky, series 5 too

 they said they will announce series 5 at least one week before it drops, so definitively not this friday.


super bowl starts friday, maybe if we are lucky, series 5 too


We’ve never had much for content for the pro bowl.  Usually a couple Ltd so I wouldn’t get too excited. We will have a super bowl promo. Look for Tyreek to get a solid upgrade.


Quote from D0KTRG >> SB Promo this Friday. Perhaps Series 5 next Friday. That's it until Honors in early Feb.

 This, though rolling out promos and series updates at once has proven to be a bad idea in the past.


no pro bowl


SB Promo this Friday. Perhaps Series 5 next Friday. That's it until Honors in early Feb.


Quote from SpartanSteel66 >> Quote from WinterSkoldier >> Friday - the start of a drawn out SB promo 

Then... nothing new till February. 

 This is my guess as well. 

I concur. Super Bowl promo was solid last year so I’m cool with that being all we get for the next few weeks.


Super Bowl, and MAYBE MAYBE if EA wants to make this game interesting throw in some motivators


Quote from WinterSkoldier >> Friday - the start of a drawn out SB promo 

Then... nothing new till February. 



Quote from WinterSkoldier >> Friday - the start of a drawn out SB promo 

Then... nothing new till February. 

 This is my guess as well.


Friday - the start of a drawn out SB promo 

Then... nothing new till February.

I doubt we see Pro Bowl content but agree with the rest