
False alarm wrong award

EDIT: I'm sorry he won the Walter Payton charity challenge which is not the same as the Walter payton man of the year award. He's still a nominee for the man of the year award so he still may get the honors card but it is not confirmed yet.

They announced cam newton as the man of the year winner, and last year chris long got a 97 OVR for man of the year.

With a PU to 98, he should have upper 80s speed, upper 90s THP, and will get escape artist/ no look deadeye and maybe able to get dashing deadeye instead of no look as well. He will also be a little safer to run with without fumbling due to size, strength and carrying. 

He only has an 80 elite and 92 MF so he shouldn't be that expensive and could be a really nice QB option a week from now. The 92 has 82 TRK stock so there's also a nonzero chance that he becomes the first QB that could get bulldozer which would be interesting to try out although if I had to guess, he wouldn't get there.

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