
Thinking of selling 97 Wilson - Worst QB I’ve used

I was pretty hyped for this card as it looked like he would get all the abilities I wanted.  I’m frustrated he can’t get gunslingers even with his chem’s on, but it’s doable.

However, his dashing deadeye is absolutely terrible.  Also, it seems like he just lobs them up when on the run.  His deep ball is terrible when someone is in coverage.

Josh Allen, who can’t scramble for EA logic, throws a better ball all over the field.  If he had escape artist, he’d be perfect.

PU Elway and Luck played better than Wilson.

I don’t know if it’s DDA (he’s a 99 PU) or what, but has anyone else used the same players I have and seen the glaring difference?

I’m pissed I dropped almost a mil into him for the cards and training points to have him play like crap.

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