To simply team build. Who else does this? Even when cards get released for my theme team, I buy them, add them to my lineup, and close my application. New cards or high overalls do not improve your online multiplayer experience. I learned this Madden 18. Simple team building is probably the most enjoyable part of Mut. Head to head is so full of cheese and youtube plays that it’s no point in having confidence in your team based on the high ovr players you have. It’s all about the cheese. For that reason, I just appreciate having a 50/50 theme team and seeing how great my lineup look. I eventually feel the urge to play online sometimes but I can’t just sit and play back to back H2H 24/7. Wake up in the am, play Madden all day, and repeat. Just can’t do it. This game is toxic
To simply team build. Who else does this? Even when cards get released for my theme team, I buy them, add them to my lineup, and close my application. New cards or high overalls do not improve your online multiplayer experience. I learned this Madden 18. Simple team building is probably the most enjoyable part of Mut. Head to head is so full of cheese and youtube plays that it’s no point in having confidence in your team based on the high ovr players you have. It’s all about the cheese. For that reason, I just appreciate having a 50/50 theme team and seeing how great my lineup look. I eventually feel the urge to play online sometimes but I can’t just sit and play back to back H2H 24/7. Wake up in the am, play Madden all day, and repeat. Just can’t do it. This game is toxic