EA Logic... Broken Is Our Fixed is looking for solid players that will help us climb back into the top 100. We are a competitive but pretty laid back league that doesn’t require a chat app. If your team has a good rating with good power, PM me or apply in the game. Might consider merging with another league that is committed to winning.
Requirements: 1. 95 ovr team (96+ def) with 2200+ power 2. play drives daily and play with strategy. 3. No cheating.
Yes, apply to EA Logic... Broken is Our Fixed for a tryout. Tell them Mcdolphin sent u in the application.
Is there still room? I'm looking to upgrade leagues, league I'm in is good but can't find consistent participation. 95 OVR, 2244 power.
Can I rejoin the league, ign is Carson18 with 2275 power, I have a 94 defense and a 95 offense, and the logo is the Champ run logo
I'm a 92 ovr. Level 39. 1998 power. I don't quite fit requirement, but mature and play daily. Screen name akatim
95/96/83 2452 currently. Interested? We will have to discuss the strategy part. I have rarely set it up but open for suggestions.
A little low for us but my guy WT at Laces Out needs guys like you for sure. After you build ur team up some u can come check us out.
I’m a 93 over with a 93 off and 93 def. my power is low (1650ish) but I’m working to increase that. Let me know. My user name is InigoMontoya with a blue photo of the back of a kid wearing a 00 broncos jersey.
I have a 93 offense and a 93 defense with 2,144 power and am a 92 overall, my ign is Carson18 with the champ run banner and logo.
EA Logic... Broken Is Our Fixed is looking for solid players that will help us climb back into the top 100. We are a competitive but pretty laid back league that doesn’t require a chat app. If your team has a good rating with good power, PM me or apply in the game. Might consider merging with another league that is committed to winning.
Requirements: 1. 95 ovr team (96+ def) with 2200+ power 2. play drives daily and play with strategy. 3. No cheating.