
Banned account I need help

I was abruptly banned a couple weeks ago.  I have played this game for about 6 years now. I have been a longtime member of Mossback & now Football Junkies.  I have never once bought coins from a 3rd party site or cheated in any aspect of the game.  I went thru the hoops with EA Support thinking this ban had to be a mistake.  I finally got the response you see attached from the escalted TOS team.  I cheated in online matches???  I definitely didn't, that much i am sure of.  How is it even possible to cheat??  I have probably spent close to two hundred dollars on the game this year and here i sit.  Makes me extremely frustrated.  If anyone out there can help me in any way i would most certainly appreciate it.  I just wish you could actually talk to someone who wasn't an entry level person reading from a script.  Telling me everything is going to be ok and someone who know something will be in touch with me soon.  I am so tired of being in that hamster wheel.  I did reach out to EAmesssina right after it happened and did not get a response.  I feel out of options.

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