
50power Deion Master Series?

I was generally shocked to see both Deion's from MS are only 50power.

In my extremely humble opinion, and with all due respect and luv for the people who work on this game, that is absolutely unacceptable. It shows how disconnected the creators are from what the community, not just wants, but needs for these players to be even viable.

It feels like they dont know what to do with their own mechanics (power, schemes). It feels like no one who works on this game talks amongst themselves to make sure every base is covered when creating something. And it most definitely feels like the ones who work on this game dont play it at all, they feel very disconnected from whats wanted and needed ingame.

Opinions? Can anyone change my mind?

This doesnt feel like any sort of reward for the people that have kept up on Master Series all year. And honestly, at this rate, I'll just go ahead and assume Mahomes, the Season-long Mobile Master and cover athlete, will probably be 50power and not viable either.

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