
some maths for TOTY

someone wiser than I please take this over... here it goes

Shields are the bottleneck for this promo. you earn roughly 2-3 badges per 75 stamina along with 2-3 CR players.

97s require 6 shields = 120 badges or 4500 stamina per master 98s require 10 shields = 200 badges or 7500 stamina per master

additional badges needed are 30 per master or 1125 stamina

players should not be a problem given the 150 gold+ pulled from the events yields at worst 3 87s needed but my experience was the events yielded enough extra golds or an occasional elite to meet the set reqs. you will need to add a 90ovr player in there somewhere but they are cheap on the AH or many can spare a bench player or 2.

all this leads me to believe you could build a master every 2 days if you went all in.

anyone have better maths or a different strategy. I acknowledge there are other ways to grind the promo, I myself used the AH to get a head start with the player reqs.

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