
98 Jim Brown?

I just built 98 Jim Brown and used him to replace 92 Elliot.  I was so excited to put him in the lineup,  with all his speed and other awesome high numbers I figured he would just bull over the def, just blow them away and literally be unstoppable.    And so far I really feel that Elliott was way better.   Jim’s trucking is terrible,  even tho it’s at 97tru.  Elliot would break at least one tackle and sometimes two,  Seems like Jim gets arm tackled every time.  Or barely bumps into someone and falls down. His speed hasn’t really come thru either because he can’t get through the line without someone touching him.    I realize they have different styles and I just need to get used to running Jim and it’s only been 1 full day with him. So with what I’ve invested I’m going to stick with him at least for a week or so.

Does anyone have any suggestions on a possible replacement for Jim Brown if I decide to sell and rebuild a new one.

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