
Well...If the intent of Discord was to kill Muthead Mobile...

Job well done...ever since discord the site is dying....


Job well done...ever since discord the site is dying....


Quote from Versace_3Hunna >> Majority of players in MM are kids so kinda obvious they are focused on them.

 Kids don’t play MM seriously, not seriously enough to bother with a message board.


I feel like the MM discord server is primarily teenagers. If you are a not so young adult message boards or a small league discord/slack is the way to go.

Quote from LionsFan09 >> wasn't 2016 the prime of this site?

Yep, but it was also the prime of Madden Mobile. I don't think that is a coincidence.


Majority of players in MM are kids so kinda obvious they are focused on them.


Also with a quick scan of some of the mods profiles here their posting frequency has dropped off a bit. Not all but some only post every few days now, like their doing shifts. But glancing at discord you see the mods posting way more...


Quote from Ailman >> Quote from BenjaminGary >> I feel discord drives me back to Muthead. I check for announcements and come promptly back here for a more civilized discussion. 

 Bingo! announcements and giveaways then I'm back to Muthead, that medium is a little too chaotic for me.


Just like the link pinned to the top of the forum that was supposed to get rid of negative threads, discord is designed so that EA can contain and control feedback. A loud community voice has been vital to almost every course correction EA has made this season, a.k.a. the community voice impacts their bottom line and the more of it they can hide away from the eyes of the casual observer and dilute it with chaotic nonsense the better it will be for them.

EA hates the front page of MutHead saying how shitty their game is, why MutHead promotes it's designed replacement I haven't a clue... it will do nothing but drive traffic away, reduce site income, and lower the value of the feedback contained here.

You might as well pin r/MaddenMobile to the top of the forum as well....


Discord was like the worst pick, no idea who picked it... when there are tools like Slack which are much better organized Discord is a mess and mostly kids use it for games and game audio, u cant make a thread or reply just spam the entire channel and scroll 900msg to see who replied to you


Discord is mayhem. Seems like a much younger crowd. Hard to get info at times - just wait for Hawk or someone to be on. I prefer MH


wasn't 2016 the prime of this site?


Put me in the ranks of liking Muthead 100x over Discord for all of the reasons mentioned.


I strongly prefer MH over discord. It’s too fast paced and chaotic in discord. However I love the announcements and giveaways that Discord offers.


Quote from Ccrane9 >> I'll still be here


This site pretty much died in 2017/2018.  Look how many replies threads used to get back before then.


Quote from Ailman >> Quote from BenjaminGary >> I feel discord drives me back to Muthead. I check for announcements and come promptly back here for a more civilized discussion. 

 Bingo! announcements and giveaways then I'm back to Muthead, that medium is a little too chaotic for me.


I prefer MH. I go to discoed once a day to check up on stuff and come back here. I feel the discussions here are more organized and easy to follow. While in the discord  you have 100s or messages to scroll through for what you are looking for. Discord would be better for an instantaneous response for something tho


The games dying itself cuz it sucks compared to the good ol days

I remember I was excited to wonder how the days of like mm20 would be in 16 thinking it would be just as good. Boy was I wrong


Quote from TeddyTwo >> Discord is actually atrocious. The announcements and giveaways are excellent, but any actual discussion amongst users is a complete train wreck. The worst part is that it’s progressively getting worse. I looked at mm-general yesterday and my eyes instantly started bleeding. Maybe I don’t participate in enough public forums/discussion, but in my experience it’s the worst chat I’ve ever seen. Even worse than an ‘01 AOL chat room 

 This is spot on. I don’t even go on Discord other than for giveaways.