
Hideous Uniform Contest?

Just played a live event against Pepto Bismal pink helmet wearing team with a throbbing pink vein down their back......can only guess what their team name is........those gold and aqua uni's.....don't know which is more awful?... Freeze, TG......  Is EA messing with us.......bring back puke green Color Clash.


Just played a live event against Pepto Bismal pink helmet wearing team with a throbbing pink vein down their back......can only guess what their team name is........those gold and aqua uni's.....don't know which is more awful?... Freeze, TG......  Is EA messing with us.......bring back puke green Color Clash.


Playing the special season games I find the uniforms I am in beyond hideous. I loved the uniform last season with the cannon on the helmet. Not a fan at all of this seasons special uniforms. The fear uniforms is too cartoony.


Nah, EA fucked up and forgot to finish the uniforms. That’s why if you take a screen shot and looks close, you can see the words “Missing” on the jersey. Another cluster of a mess from the Dev team