I have all the masters so I was just going to grind the training camp for stamina/gems... the problem is I immediately hit the rush for 75 yards on 8 attempts event and I am facing all the teleporting spawns of satan with 99 speed and pursuit. Constant blitzes no one can hold a block and every guy on the field is faster than my 94 ghost Payton. It’s quite obvious it is on all madden difficulty with players having extreme stats on defense. In 7 failed attempts 41 yards is my most and lots of plays are negative as I’m hit by 2-3 guys before I can even take control of Payton no matter what runs I call. If this keeps up I guess I won’t be getting any daily goals for it until Deion comes out. Thanks so much EA.
I have all the masters so I was just going to grind the training camp for stamina/gems... the problem is I immediately hit the rush for 75 yards on 8 attempts event and I am facing all the teleporting spawns of satan with 99 speed and pursuit. Constant blitzes no one can hold a block and every guy on the field is faster than my 94 ghost Payton. It’s quite obvious it is on all madden difficulty with players having extreme stats on defense. In 7 failed attempts 41 yards is my most and lots of plays are negative as I’m hit by 2-3 guys before I can even take control of Payton no matter what runs I call. If this keeps up I guess I won’t be getting any daily goals for it until Deion comes out. Thanks so much EA.