
Unpopular Opinion Pt. 2: Hit Power is the most important stat on defense

If I could have any DBs, my DBs would be NFL100 Lott, BF Night Train, Primetime Griffin, LTD Polamalu, Field of Freeze Taylor, and BF Dawkins. A good blend of corners and safeties with 93+ HTP Dont get me started on Linebackers (NFL 100 Lanier be on some blitz the league type stuff)

I cannot tell u guys how many times a good hitter has changes Arena and LvL drives. These guys are nust merciless, tbh. Im sure u guys would agree.with me as well.

Plz feel free to agree or counter argue. But I think a defense that can hit is the best thing u can have Ps I think i might make this unpopular opinion thing a series idk

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