
A plea: let us do something with Field pass masters-exchange/EVO

So with the next Field pass masters being Terrell Owens and Champ Bailey, this is even more of an issue.

TO has no space on my team. I'm running GOM Michael Thomas and T100 Randy Moss, with Tyreek coming soon (And will likely just take T100 Fitz as some point). We'll have Master series Deion early next month which will likely be another CB1 only type of player like Champ usually is. And we all know that Master Series is non-exchangeable.

I have Peyton sitting on my bench. Strahan may end up there. Sean Taylor will be end game likely. Now we'll have the choice of these two. Some may want to keep them, some may not. But shouldn't we have that choice?

Peyton especially is annoying, as I'll never use that card again guaranteed. So it's lost TP for that short time I used him.  Is there a plan for these cards?

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