The master are already being sold for 1.2m-1.5m
still needs 15 85ovr elites which go for 130k = 2m
Still needs 90ovr = 200k
Still needs 40 badges + 35 shields = 320 badges = 5000 stamina
I will ignore the legend/phenom badges because its already funny
So how does 5000 stamina + 2.5m = 1.5m ?
People here really build them? serious question
Same for all the phenom/legend/playoff 95 masters, phenom for example its even worse, need the 800k worth 93ovr player, and THEN add the 2.2m and about 2500 stamina to get a player that is already being sold for 1.5m
What is EA waiting? what is there even to salvage from this promo?
The master are already being sold for 1.2m-1.5m still needs 15 85ovr elites which go for 130k = 2m Still needs 90ovr = 200k Still needs 40 badges + 35 shields = 320 badges = 5000 stamina I will ignore the legend/phenom badges because its already funny
So how does 5000 stamina + 2.5m = 1.5m ?
People here really build them? serious question Same for all the phenom/legend/playoff 95 masters, phenom for example its even worse, need the 800k worth 93ovr player, and THEN add the 2.2m and about 2500 stamina to get a player that is already being sold for 1.5m
What is EA waiting? what is there even to salvage from this promo?