There isn't a lot to grind at the moment, I will continue to gather playoff badges on the easy Auto function. If EA change the 85 OVR requirements, or rather, make them cheaper then I may revisit, otherwise not an awful lot lost.
I am in effect using the South Park approach to making money out of underpants
Phase 1: Collect underpants Phase 2: ? Phase 3: Profit
Substitute playoff badges for underpants and you have my promo plan.
Quote from deseanjackson53 >> Yeah definitely the worst by far
Still say the promo where you had to hope you got the banners were worse but I keep doing the math here and the cost alone is not worth it. 95 are not going to cost 2 million coins on ah for long. I had one guy I wanted that was hill I am about 10 shilds away from him and I probably am done with this promo. I got players to feed to evolve spending this many coins for one 95 that by the end of honors or pro bowl will be irrelevant pass.
I think it was community member bill Walton who said that not every promo is for everybody. Last promo was good for me. This one not so good. We got a bunch more promos on the horizon and I for one want to see how ea going to ea it up. Plus they usually put a good promo every couple of promos
You would be able to make coins here, but the price floors on base elites are too high and most people have tons of junk elites on their bench to put into sets already, so demand isn’t there, either. It might pick up later on after people do one build and then need to buy stuff for a second build.
Second promo in a row where I will sell the player I built last promo for a statistical upgrade at the same position, albeit only a mild OVR increase. (First it was UF Long to replace TG Brooks. Now it will be PO Jackson to replace UF Gilmore).
I've given up on promos. I stopped playing competitive and that's helped considerably... now I'm actually happy when I get one or two diamond players because it doesn't matter anyway. It also means EA has seen the last of my money.
Wait to see what legends bring and then maybe there will be something to make a few coins.
I would say flip Phenom 93s if you have the badges but there seems to be a glut of them. Last night I sold the NFL 100 92 ovr center for 700k bought him for 450k today. The prices for 93s are all sub 500 for bidding, I would prioritize turning 92s to 94s with these 93 Phenoms. I already evolved 92 Bruce Mattthews the OG and Hester the 92 ovr Kick Returner. .
I liked UF, made lots of coins, players and upgrades. Trading the presents on the AH was fun. I know I was one of very few who did enjoy UF.
Even I can’t enjoy this new promo!
That’s because EA obviously doesn’t Care. When they make less money this year we all will know why though. I used to spend money, but I just can’t on this dumpster fire game.
Ea really hasn't taken our "complaints" and at least try to fix the issues we have with these programs
As bad as UF was I could still make bank selling presents. This is just sad