why the hell do i have to wait 24hrs to play an event and then wait another 24 hrs to play another event in master series this is stupid who is the idiot at EA who thought adding timers would make madden fun why does EA care if I want to grind and get player in one day EA does not listen to anything their customers say I do not know of one single person who said hey EA timers are fun please add more and make them longer seriously fire all these morons at EA this version sucks old madden of 15, 16, 17 were awesome I dont understand why EA refuses to listen to their customers
why the hell do i have to wait 24hrs to play an event and then wait another 24 hrs to play another event in master series this is stupid who is the idiot at EA who thought adding timers would make madden fun why does EA care if I want to grind and get player in one day EA does not listen to anything their customers say I do not know of one single person who said hey EA timers are fun please add more and make them longer seriously fire all these morons at EA this version sucks old madden of 15, 16, 17 were awesome I dont understand why EA refuses to listen to their customers