Looks like the TOTW is connected to the upcoming playoff promo. I haven't really done TOTW. Which event is better? The one with 75 or 50 stamina on the Madden Today map?
I was spamming the 50 stamina event earlier and got a lot of 2-3 badge pulls. It’s a much better value from a stamina : badge ratio.
Quote from Ccrane9 >> I love your (misspelling)
LOL! It wasn't on purpose but I know that's how some people feel about that promo. :-)
Depend if you want badges or the chance at the fantasy top performer. If you don’t want the low chance of the performer, just do the 75’s once each then focus on the 50’s
I just do the 75 stamina events, I use the rest of my stamina on the Top 100 events.
I just do the first wins for 75 stam - need to now pay attention to these events since badges will be important
I always think of Jeff George when I think of "weak" players. He would be my captain
75 is better to pull the 93s but 50 stamina probably gives more long term tokens
Looks like the TOTW is connected to the upcoming playoff promo. I haven't really done TOTW. Which event is better? The one with 75 or 50 stamina on the Madden Today map?