I was just thinking back to what helped makes promo players desirable in years past ->booosts... I'm now resigned to the idea that (for this season at least) EA have pretty much done away with player cards giving boosts and will stick to this Stat Booster model. They have already introduced some position-specific stat boosters, hopefully, these will become easier to level up as the season goes. Would promo-specific Stat Boosters be a nice addition to promos or Nah?
I'd also include more Program-Specific Boosts as well( e.g something for LTDs) to help keep them relevant as power gets escalated.
Quote from Ccrane9 >> I don't think I'd use a slot on that. I'd rather using something for the whole team
Pretty much. Or what about a power booster?
We need something like the game changers players a few years back. They were so OP and had great boosts. I don’t know if we will get boost these year.
As someone who hates boosts in general, I prefer this year's system to previous years. Prior years made individual cards and play styles too powerful. It seems you can use a variety of approaches under the current system (if you believe boosts truly make an impact). That they are tied to power is disappointing as that is another aspect I don't care for. It seems to be an arbitrary boost reward unrelated to skill at the game or the ratings of the underlying players.
Quote from Dbzfan614 >> there's also a nfl100 booster
I hadn't even seen that one. Is it any good?
NVM, I just found it. No speed boost and requires finishing all the 82s. Too steep for me :/
Quote from Ccrane9 >> I don't think I'd use a slot on that. I'd rather using something for the whole team
yea, I agree on this one.
Using a slot for a couple cards as opposed to all cards on one side of the ball does not seem worth it to me.
I don't think I'd use a slot on that. I'd rather using something for the whole team
They had some of these for during Freeze (rb and qb reducers) as well as NFL Top100.
There was the ghost booster but that’s it for now, maybe they’ll add more in the future.
I was just thinking back to what helped makes promo players desirable in years past ->booosts... I'm now resigned to the idea that (for this season at least) EA have pretty much done away with player cards giving boosts and will stick to this Stat Booster model. They have already introduced some position-specific stat boosters, hopefully, these will become easier to level up as the season goes. Would promo-specific Stat Boosters be a nice addition to promos or Nah?
I'd also include more Program-Specific Boosts as well( e.g something for LTDs) to help keep them relevant as power gets escalated.