
Weird Food Combos

What are some weird food combos you like?

For example, I like dipping fries in buffalo sauce


Pimento cheese + anything imho


Quote from Street_Spirit >> BBQ meatballs and grape jelly is a thing I've seen more than once.  Pretty good too.

Also I was at a restaurant once that had Salmon Ice Cream, I didn't order it.

 Grape jelly is a very good addition to BBQ sauce when cooking. My step mom made a sauce that was essentially a BBQ sauce and she put grape jelly in it and cooked it on meatloaf. Probably the best one I've ever had.


Also remember someone on here trying oreos and taco bell hot sauce. They kinda liked that food combination


BBQ meatballs and grape jelly is a thing I've seen more than once.  Pretty good too.

Also I was at a restaurant once that had Salmon Ice Cream, I didn't order it.


Fries in a Wendy's Frosty.


I remember some lady in twitter saying she loves adding mustard to her yogurt


I have two, both from high school. Sugar on pizza, and chocolate chip cookies dipped in nacho cheese


Quote from diimsday1044 >> Chili and I are a wierd food combo I just cant get along with it

 Yeah it is not good


Chili and I are a wierd food combo I just cant get along with it


Peanuts and one-night not be that weird

Wendy's spicy nuggets dipped in their chocolate shake

Avocado slices in chili-again, might not be that weird

Pizza dipped in ranch-im super surprised by the lack of people who do this 

Pineapple with salty meats such as pepperoni or burgers

Baked beans mixed with potato salad

Cinnamon rolls with chili-huge midwest thing but I dont like it. I'm sure people outside the midwest do it but typically everyone I see do it is from the midwest

When I was in high school and they served chicken noodle soup with mashed potatoes, some kids would put honey on it.

My wife is into dipping her pizza crust in honey


Garlic ice cream


Quote from dolphaholic >> oh yeah and cheesecake with ranch

 i will need to try this one


here's what I can think of I'm from the midwest so I put ranch on damn near everything, including pizza Potato Chips with ketchup Ketchup with sausage or bacon  Ketchup in macaroni


Quote from madmatt >> peanut butter and celery

 That's a norm.


peanut butter and celery


Quote from WaltzerWhite >> Regular chips and ketchup Fries and Milkshake

 That second one sounds great tbh


Before McGriddles where a thing I used make a bacon egg and cheese sandwich and use pancakes as the bread. I would also add some maple syrup to the sandwich as well.