It's kinda ironic because I was looking at cars and found a cheaper 5000 Honda Insight which I was about to plan saving up for and now I'm going to have to drop quite a bit on a new smartphone. I was wearing these German shorts with weird pockets so it feel out onto concrete when I was carrying in groceries.
What do y'all recommend? I had a Samsung J7 and honestly don't like Samsung that much so I'm thinking of getting an iPhone. I'd probably get the plus of any iPhone too because I've always liked larger screens? I'm thinking the iPhone 7 Plus for $250? What do y'all think of your phones?
Have you heard of OnePlus phones? I'm going to upgrade to the OnePlus pro because there is no camera at the top of the screen, it has the selfie camera on the inside of the phone and it comes up through the top of the phone that way you get the whole screen!
That always happens to me!!! and I’m a guy who refuses to use phone cases, so I’m always stuck with cracks running all over my screen. No fun, when I’m watchin Netflix on my phone before I sleep
Quote from Namtih21 >> Quote from myleskelsay >> Good buy. I think a 7 plus is fine, if I were here earlier, I think I would've recommended an 8 or up but a 7 plus seems just fine.
Still running with a 6s after three years. Runs fine, but that battery is on it's last legs! :lol:
If you're still happy with it, can usually just get the battery replaced for around 50-75 dollars. Alot cheaper than buying a new phone.
Quote from myleskelsay >> Good buy. I think a 7 plus is fine, if I were here earlier, I think I would've recommended an 8 or up but a 7 plus seems just fine.
Still running with a 6s after three years. Runs fine, but that battery is on it's last legs! :lol:
If you're still happy with it, can usually just get the battery replaced for around 50-75 dollars. Alot cheaper than buying a new phone.
My son still uses my old 6s plus and it works beautifully for him (Did replace the battery though). Main reason I'm still keeping the 8 plus rather than upgrading is that I like having the thumb button.
Quote from WonderfulWonka >> It's kinda ironic because I was looking at cars and found a cheaper 5000 Honda Insight which I was about to plan saving up for and now I'm going to have to drop quite a bit on a new smartphone. I was wearing these German shorts with weird pockets so it feel out onto concrete when I was carrying in groceries.
What do y'all recommend? I had a Samsung J7 and honestly don't like Samsung that much so I'm thinking of getting an iPhone. I'd probably get the plus of any iPhone too because I've always liked larger screens? I'm thinking the iPhone 7 Plus for $250? What do y'all think of your phones?
Go on Amazon and buy an unlocked phone. I got a Note 9 last year for like $500. I LOVE the Notes
Quote from Ballsy >> Sent you .01 mhc OP. Just out here doing gods work
sent it back
Good buy. I think a 7 plus is fine, if I were here earlier, I think I would've recommended an 8 or up but a 7 plus seems just fine.
Still running with a 6s after three years. Runs fine, but that battery is on it's last legs! :lol:
Quote from WonderfulWonka >> Quote from Ballsy >> Quote from WonderfulWonka >>
sorry to hear. i used to be anti-case but learned the hard way and now always use one. not sure if you’re stuck in a contract but check out this link, lots of really good deals—some free for the earlier gen iPhone models (which i use and recommend)
Quote from Ballsy >> Quote from WonderfulWonka >> Quote from TheCheapBoyz >>
Quote from WonderfulWonka >> Quote from TheCheapBoyz >> Quote from WonderfulWonka >> Does anyone know where I can buy one of those stickers that makes it look like I have 3 lenses?
Quote from TheCheapBoyz >> Quote from WonderfulWonka >> Does anyone know where I can buy one of those stickers that makes it look like I have 3 lenses?
Lol Idk those are funny. That’s the 11 pro too cuz I have the regular and it has 2
Amazon search would be best
You know what I'm talking about though lol
Quote from WonderfulWonka >> Does anyone know where I can buy one of those stickers that makes it look like I have 3 lenses?
Lol Idk those are funny. That’s the 11 pro too cuz I have the regular and it has 2
Amazon search would be best
Does anyone know where I can buy one of those stickers that makes it look like I have 3 lenses?
It's kinda ironic because I was looking at cars and found a cheaper 5000 Honda Insight which I was about to plan saving up for and now I'm going to have to drop quite a bit on a new smartphone. I was wearing these German shorts with weird pockets so it feel out onto concrete when I was carrying in groceries.
What do y'all recommend? I had a Samsung J7 and honestly don't like Samsung that much so I'm thinking of getting an iPhone. I'd probably get the plus of any iPhone too because I've always liked larger screens? I'm thinking the iPhone 7 Plus for $250? What do y'all think of your phones?